Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Stark Legacy 1.1

Shortly after Luna and Benjamin's third date, Luna proposes and Ben accepts. Benjamin Schmidt moves in, bringing his dog, Ralston into the family too. 

Benjamin's traits are as follows:
  • Brave
  • Great Kisser
  • Handy
  • Charismatic
  • Friendly
No wonder they hit it off so well! Who doesn't love Ben in this town? His LTW is heart breaker, which I may need to change when he saves up enough rewards. Can't have him breaking Luna's heart when one of her traits is a hopeless romantic! I get too attached to my sims. Ben is currently working as a business man, but shortly after he moves in he decides he would be a great politician and he switches career tracks.

Luna and Ben learn that they are expecting their first child together. Ralston works hard at sniffing out collectibles for the family to bring in money. They will be needing to add a new addition to the house for the baby. TIP: Sniffing out collectibles is a great way to make cash when you're starting out in a legacy challenge. Luna spends most of her days fishing and working on her garden to improve her alchemy ingredients.

The time has come to welcome the first little Stark into the world! Luna looks like she's in a lot of pain.

Here he is! Meet Langley Stark. I rolled his traits, but I can't remember them at the top of my head right now. :( Will update when I get home! Luna is taking some time off from learning alchemy so she can raise Langley right and give him the attention that he needs.

Langley has blonde hair and violet eyes just like his mother. He also loves playing with his stuffed toy, Puzzles. 
"Ewwwww couldn't you have waited until after I left the bathroom?"

Looks like Luna is pregnant again! Don't be disgusted, Ben, it is your child after all. Too bad he can't give birth (yet). I would love him have to deal with the morning sickness instead of Luna.

Langley grows up to an attractive awesome little dude. He rolls the equestrian trait this time. Langley gets his own bed now, and the first thing he does before he goes to bed is check to see if there are any monsters under his bed.

Uh oh. That didn't go well. Langley saw a monster and fainted. TWICE. Benjamin woke him up and let him sleep in bed with mom so no monsters could get him.

Sweet dreams, little man!

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